ElectionsGermany: Acknowledgements

Credits & Acknowledgements

Starting off this project I had pretty much no expierience, and I had no idea how I should even start off such a website. This is why it was necessary for me to look at other similar website and learn from them, I also recieved a lot of help from online tutorials and websites when it came to building and debugging my code. There are some projects and websites from where I directly copied and took ideas from, which is why I felt the need to acknowledge them in full. This list might also be useful for those who wish to create their own similar projects.

1. principalfish.co.uk (GitHub)
This is the website from which I was first inspired to create this project, it is a website about British elections. Without the help of all of the open-source code material I would never have been able to even start this website. All of the source material on it is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.

2. Der Bundeswahleiter (Federal Returning Office)
The German election commission website provided all the data which was required for the maps on this website. The data is provided in a load of different formats and it is very detailed and easy to use.

3. d3.js (observablehq)
This is the JavaScript I used to create all the visualizations on this site, it is a massive library which makes it super easy to create very complex visualizations with just a few lines of code. Without this library much of the graphs you see on the internet would not be possible. This helped me especially when trying to convert all the election data into a format which could be handled by my own code.

4. stackoverflow.com
Nearly every programmer uses this website at some point in their projects, just because it is so useful to find answers to very specific questions which might not be adressed in full on a permanent website. This website helped me solve many minor issues in the code.